Keeping Halloween Fun and Safe – 17 Tips for Dog Owners
- Keep your dog comfy. While its fun to dress them up for the Halloween, make sure that your dog is comfortable wearing the costume. The costume they wear should not interfere with your pet’s movements, block their sight or limit their ability to hear and cause them trouble breathing.
- Avoid those costumes that contain tiny, dangling pieces or parts that can be easily chewed off or swallowed by your pet. You should also regularly monitor your pet when he or she is in costume.
- Have your dogs wear their costumes for rehearsals before the actual Halloween to see to it that the costume they wear fit them properly and get them desensitized to it.
- See to it that your pets wear a reflective collar for enhanced visibility. Having them wear dog tags with a microchip, your name and contact information can also come in handy in case they get lost from the Halloween crowd.
- As always, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Have the list of important numbers saved through your contacts including your local veterinarian and animal poison control hotline.
- Prioritize visibility and choose the color of your pet’s costume wisely.
- Do away from complex and overly embellished costumes. Choose simple yet creative costumes to avoid stressing your pets.
- If your pet is wary of wearing fancy costumes, a festive bandana can do the trick to dress them up.
- Remember sweet treats, candy bars, and chocolates are dangerous for dogs.
- Be careful with cellophane wrappers and tin foils which can be harmful when ingested by your pets.
- Keep your Halloween decorations out of your pet’s reach, specifically those powered by electricity and lighted candles.
- When greeting trick-or-treaters see to it that your dogs won’t break out the door by keeping them leashed or putting them in a closed room, crate.
- If your pet is not particularly sociable or may have the tendency to bite, have him or her stay in a safe hiding place during the hours of trick-or-treating.
- Watch out for those popular Halloween plants including pumpkins and corn used for decorations as they can cause stomach discomforts to your pets.
- For safety, ensure that your pets are housed safely indoors and avoid leaving them out in your yard during the Halloween.
- Glow sticks can add drama for the Halloween spooky night, however, they contain a liquid which may not really be toxic but may cause your pet to vomit or act strangely once they accidentally chew on them.
- Reduce noises as much as possible. Doorbells and the screaming kids can easily stress out and even terrify your dog. Using a sound machine or TV can help drown off the noise or keep your dog in a quiet and safe room at the moment.